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Discussion 6 - Use of Force

Discussion 6 - Use of Force

Q This is a discussion post on Police Brutality and Racism. Before answering the following question, you should (1) review chapter 7 on Police Use of Force, (2) watch the documentary on Police C.O.P. Crime of Police Brutality, , (Links to an external site.)and (3) read the text entitled "Is the police racist in U.S.?" posted below. Don't forget to reply to at least 2 peers. 1) What do you think about the link between police and racism? • Is racism such a great issue in our security forces? Are racist attitudes entrenched in police academies and everyday practices, and that the Police has a racist culture? Could police officers reinforce, or even generate, ethnic prejudices throughout their training and work? Is racism an institutional problem? • Or is racism a personal bias of some police officers? • Or are police officers any more racist than society at large? • Or there is not a problem of racism in police? Cases of police racism are anecdotal if taken in consideration the millions of interventions police officers conduct every year. From this point of view, the large proportion of arrests and conviction to black, Latino or Arab people would be simply the result of these groups being disproportionately economically and educationally underprivileged. Is the police racist in U.S.?

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We have all seen and read in the media shocking news about cases of allegued police racism in the US and many other countries. There is a long list of offences and crimes